Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The Cliffs of Moher
After our adventure to Blarney Castle as well as many wrong turns to get to Middleton, where one of the Jamieson distilleries is located we returned home after some white knuckle driving and passengers in front and back very very quiet. I think they were scared out of their wits because there are no lights on any roads in Ireland. Let me repeat this, on those little tiny horse and cart roads, there are NO LIGHTS!!! With that and the constantly reminding myself "left side of the road, left side of the road." mantra we did arrive safely home.  Although if there had been a bottle of whiskey there at home I would've taken at least two fingers worth to settle my nerves.With that being said we decided to get up early and make the trek to the CLIFFS of MOOOOrrrrrrHHHHHEEER.  It's actually pronounced MORE, but I kept getting these visions in my head of Sam and Frodo tossing the ring off the cliffs of Moher. I was determined to re-enact with Buzz and Woody. Alaina found this quite funny as she does find her aunt rather odd I felt I was living up to her expectations.  That aunt Jenn she's the quirky one. 
Anyway, we traveled and made it up to County Clare in record time. The scenery was awesome!! We parked the car in the car park, and walked up to the visitors center and we were thankful that it was open because it was a tad windy out there among the cliffs and bern. After making our rounds in the gift shop we ambled our way towards the cliffs, cameras at the ready and buzz and woody in my pocket along with the ever important tissues. Laura and Alaina, being the smart ones, also brought a cup of coffee with them to warm their hands. Coffee didn't taste that great but it did keep their hands warm. 

buzz and woody trekking through the high weeds to throw the ring off the cliff
We enjoyed our time and took tons of photos. Well maybe not physically tons but quite a few.
After we walked about for about 45 minutes or so we went back to the visitor's center and we proceeded to buy out the store with knick knacks  for  our loved ones back home and to warm up
After we lugged our packages back to the car we decided to head to Galway, I have to say I only took a picture in Galway, but it was a great place to visit and as my sisters informed my niece, she was able to see the inner NYC cab driver in me in action. We hit the city around
rush hour traffict. I don't know what comes over me it must be all those years driving a swedish tank and feeling invincible. I weaved in and out of traffic, I think I may have even used my horn. Anyway we walked about the Eyre Square area and had dinner at a restaurant that dated back to the 1400's. Pretty cool. And the food was absolutely delicious.  

Buzz and Woody at the restaurant in Galway.
Well below are some more photos of the Cliffs of Moher and the surrounding area. 

Woody getting ready to toss the ring from the Cliffs of MOOOORRRHHHER

Laura with the hot coffee to warm her hands and Tammy

The watch tower

the chubby quirky one

Tammy and her daughter Alaina

Woody discussing the merits of keeping the ring, like not being thrown into jail for littering. 

in the background are the Isle of Aran

Just liked the look of the clouds on this one.

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